Pump Station “E”

  • Civil
  • Coral Gables
  • Florida
The Scope of work consists of construction of the PS - E 12–inch Force Main Piping Relocation including, the installation of all necessary 12-inch DIP pipe, sewage combination air valves with manholes and covers, plug valves with valve boxes, all appurtenances, and installation of the 12-inch DIP Bridge Crossing below the Commodore Trail pedestrian bridge, paving repairs over trench and constructing asphaltic concrete surfaces and restoring concrete walkways at north/ south ends of the Commodore Trail pedestrian bridge.

Pump Station "E"

The Scope of work consists of construction of the PS – E 12–inch Force Main Piping Relocation including, the installation of all necessary 12-inch DIP pipe, sewage combination air valves with manholes and covers, plug valves with valve boxes, all appurtenances, and installation of the 12-inch DIP Bridge Crossing below the Commodore Trail pedestrian bridge, paving repairs over trench and constructing asphaltic concrete surfaces and restoring concrete walkways at north/ south ends of the Commodore Trail pedestrian bridge.

  • (786) 866-7776
  • 13100 SW 128th Street Miami, FL 33186
  • LIC#: CGC 1504064 • LIC#: E 1500528