Linda Lentin K-8 Center

  • Educational, Recreational
  • Miami
  • Florida
Project scope includes playground repairs along with the installation of a new playground safety surface, installation of new concrete walkways, replacement of cooling tower structural supports, major mechanical improvements including the replacement of major system components (i.e. pumps, condenser units, and package units), upgrades to the Energy Management System including the installation of new panels, addition of variable frequency drives, motorized dampers, and related sensors to system, upgrades to the PA communications system, replacement of carpet flooring, replacement of resilient flooring, and all necessary patching and painting.

Linda Lentin K-8 Center

Project scope includes playground repairs along with the installation of a new playground safety surface, installation of new concrete walkways, replacement of cooling tower structural supports, major mechanical improvements including the replacement of major system components (i.e. pumps, condenser units, and package units), upgrades to the Energy Management System including the installation of new panels, addition of variable frequency drives, motorized dampers, and related sensors to system, upgrades to the PA communications system, replacement of carpet flooring, replacement of resilient flooring, and all necessary patching and painting.

Educational, Recreational
  • (786) 866-7776
  • 13100 SW 128th Street Miami, FL 33186
  • LIC#: CGC 1504064 • LIC#: E 1500528