Kensington Park Elementary

  • Educational, Recreational
  • Miami
  • Florida
Project scope includes major upgrades to fire alarm system to provide coverage throughout the entire school, repairs to the security alarm system including replacement of existing damaged components and sensors, mechanical improvements include the replacement of condenser units and air handler units, replacement of the Energy Management System including new controls, and VAV boxes throughout, installation of venting (exhaust) system in selected restrooms, replacement of windows, installation of new concrete slabs, all necessary patching and painting.

Kensington Park Elementary

Project scope includes major upgrades to fire alarm system to provide coverage throughout the entire school, repairs to the security alarm system including replacement of existing damaged components and sensors, mechanical improvements include the replacement of condenser units and air handler units, replacement of the Energy Management System including new controls, and VAV boxes throughout, installation of venting (exhaust) system in selected restrooms, replacement of windows, installation of new concrete slabs, all necessary patching and painting.

Educational, Recreational
  • (786) 866-7776
  • 13100 SW 128th Street Miami, FL 33186
  • LIC#: CGC 1504064 • LIC#: E 1500528