BMQ Headquarters

  • Building & Construction
  • Miami
  • Florida
Construction of a 5,400SF office building. SHC is providing Design-Build services along with architect Bellon-Milanes Architects. Project scope involves CMU construction, Twin-Tee Roofing System, with custom office finishes, exterior stucco fascia and detailed architectural features, new impact resistant window and doors. Along with state of the art IT integration.

BMQ Headquarters

Construction of a 5,400SF office building. SHC is providing Design-Build services along with architect Bellon-Milanes Architects. Project scope involves CMU construction, Twin-Tee Roofing System, with custom office finishes, exterior stucco fascia and detailed architectural features, new impact resistant window and doors. Along with state of the art IT integration.

Building & Construction
  • (786) 866-7776
  • 13100 SW 128th Street Miami, FL 33186
  • LIC#: CGC 1504064 • LIC#: E 1500528